ISHWARA is the begotten not made son of BRAHMAN and became relative

at the moment of the arising of the Primordial INTENTION wave which was

the cause-less cause that brought about the birth of this universe. ISHWARA

is the “RIDER OF THE WILL OF BRAHMAN” who issued out of BRAHMAN

riding upon the intentional thought wave of the SOURCE of all things.

The will of BRAHMAN was to cause MOTION from absolute motionlessness

by manifesting a thought wave, and ISHWARA was charged with the task of

manifesting infinite diversity of being expressed, while all being made from

the same thing. which was that intention thought wave. ISHWARA is that

thought wave intention and therefore this whole relative universe reverberates

with an infinite amount of expressed life, but all have the same one

ingredient which is ISHWARA, all universal life is made out from ISHWARA

and that includes human beings. The ISHWARA sequence is that the

primordial essence of all expressions universally is ISHWARA first, the

soul second, and in our case the physical vehicle third.

This is the ISHWARA sequence in essence, human beings are just

biological machines vehicles and nothing more than that. The vehicle

provides access to tangible expression for the soul, and the soul provides

tangible experience to ISHWARA directly through its inner matrix.

This whole physical relative universe is ISHWARA and this universe is


ISHWARA is the “RIDER OF THE WILL” of BRAHMAN and that will is

DIVERSITY within a singularity and reflected through the prism of


Warmest regards michael. any feedback or emails welcomed.

Published by michaelneilkirkpatrick

I have been meditating for over forty five years and now being retired and a young 75 year young man, spend some of my time sharing my many experiences and insights into the WAY through my many blogs I have shared over five thousand blogs over the years, and am now sharing on this platform here I am always available to chat or answer questions. Thank you for reading this.

3 thoughts on “ISHWARA SEQUENCE. (I S )

  1. Wow! I am pleased that I am beginning to understand these concepts. The next stage is experiencing them. Thank you


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